What’s On

The Curious Rabbit is home to a huge range of events for the curious including life drawing, art classes, art and craft workshops, literary events, poetry nights, improv theatre, music, drag, and food feasts. You never know what you’ll come across at The Curious Rabbit!

On the first weekend of every month, we host the opening of our feature art exhibitions.

On the second Friday of every month we host free queer films for community. On the second Saturday we host a drag event.

On the third Friday of the month, we host poetry events. Sometimes in conjunction with the Booranga Writer’s Centre who facilitate readings by writers in residence and published poets and authors. We are keen to promote the interests of local writers and creatives and give them a chance to test their work on a live audience.

On the fourth Friday of every month, we are open for Curious suggestions. Mostly people come by to wind down with a wine and a whinge!

On the last Monday of the month we have Brian Beasley conduct Lunchulele from 12-2pm. This is a social group for people who want to learn or practice the Ukulele.

If you want to test your new music, prose or poetry out on a safe audience we have regular Open Mics.

We have regular events hosted by local Kings and Queens including Bingo, Murder Mystery, Trivia Nights, and High Teas.

We host regular ‘Music Fests’ featuring original music by emerging and established artists. We also host performances by the Riverina Conservatorium of Music and various musicians travelling to Wagga.

For What’s On in March see the calendar of events

For What’s On in April see the calendar of events.

Private bookings are available for dinners, high tea, music, art classes and special events.