Brendan Kennedy: Thangalu Purtowen Ngawingi
Brendan Kennedy is a Tati Tati, Latji Latji, Wadi Wadi, Mutti Mutti, Yitha Yitha and Nari Nari artist working in painting and the making of cultural material. Kennedy is a member of Museums Victoria’s First Peoples Yulendj (Knowledge) Group and works in the revival of language in southeastern Australia.
I am of the Tati Tati, Latji Latji, Wadi Wadi, Mutti Mutti, Yitha Yitha and Nari Nari peoples of the Murray River, Murrumbidgee River, Lachlan River, Edwards River and Wakool River Country in Australia.
I continue to practice and share my Ancestral peoples connection to Mother Earth through my art, songs, dance, language, cultural heritage, customs, beliefs, spirituality and knowledges. I care for Country and my people and I will remain on Country forever, just as my Ancestral people always have since creation.
Pulki Pulki Bapurra thangurra matha delki
(Old Mother Earth is not happy)
Song by Brendan Kennedy in Mutti Mutti Language
Pulki Pulki Bapurra thangurra matha
delki thangurra kulethwil kili kima
Very old our Mother Earth is not happy
our Earth is angry this here now
Bapurra thangurra wukatha kathai ngawingi
nga pukatha kirtapin karrawi wilangi
Our Mother Earth is giving the
hot sun and make big wind
Brendan Kennedy is a Tati Tati, Latji Latji, Wadi Wadi, Mutti Mutti, Yitha Yitha and Nari Nari artist working in painting and the making of cultural material. Kennedy is a member of Museums Victoria’s First Peoples Yulendj (Knowledge) Group and works in the revival of language in southeastern Australia.