Peace and Love

Thank you to all of our supporters over the year. You have been amazing!

We have cried, laughed and cavorted our way through the year with drinks, food and events. We have marvelled at the generosity of human spirit and being gobsmacked by the lack of kindness that sometimes permeates our spirit.

Together we have created a space where we can all be our authentic selves. Our first nations people call this yindymarra - a place of respect. Respect for self, respect for each other and respect for the country The Curious Rabbit sits on. I am deeply humbled by the lessons this community has given us.

You - our loyal followers continue to provide inspiration and remind us of the good in the world. Your support is never unnoticed particularly when our humanness may disrupt our desire for perfection. Our vision is not cake but connection.

In the words of the late Anita Roddick:

“Be yourself - everyone else is taken”.


Murun-Dhu I live I Breathe


February for the Curious